Your boat already comes with a host of handy features and accessories that make it enjoyable to use for all of your summer cruising adventures on your favorite lake or river. Did you know that you can accessorize your boat to make it more comfortable, practical, and safe to operate? It’s true! Here are some of the best boat accessories that you’ll want to look for so that you can customize your boat and make it more enjoyable to use.


Personal flotation devices, also known as PFDs or (more commonly) life jackets, are a must for any boat owner. You need to have enough PFDs available for every passenger, and they should be worn from dock to dock. You should also keep a throwable life ring handy so that it can be tossed in the water to rescue someone who’s fallen overboard.

Boat Cover

Keeping your boat protected when it’s not in use helps to prevent weather damage, theft, vandalism, and pest infestation. Invest in a heavy-duty, waterproof boat cover that fits snugly around your boat to shield it from harm.

Dock Line

In order to secure your boat to the marina or dock when you pull into a slip, you need a dock line. This may be in the form of bungee-cord ropes or a traditional thick fiber rope.

Looking for a new boat? Stop by our Missouri dealership in Harrisonville today to check out our fantastic stock of new and used boats for sale. Let our sales team know if you’d like assistance with financing your boat purchase. Midwest Marine Boat Company serves our customers in the city of Raymore, MO.